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$$$Money Rice (Altar Rice)

$$$Money Rice (Altar Rice)

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Money Rice aka Prosperity rice is used to draw in money, fast luck, & prosperity!

Raw uncooked white rice is blended with our prosperity roots & herbs. The rice is spiritually charged & ritually activated. This rice can be placed on your altar as an offering to the spirits, ancestors or dieties you work with. This rice can also be carried in a pouch in your pocket ,wallet or purse for money drawing. Money rice can also be added to a "Mojo bag". It is highly recommended to "Feed" your money rice every now & then to keep it active. We suggest sprinkling a little rum, whiskey or cinnamon to your rice. Set your intention & make your money work for you! Tip: ( Thursday ruled by the planet Jupiter is a great day to do money work) 2 oz. bottle


Do not Consume! We make no gurantee on magical outcome.


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