Hoodoo a form of African American folk magic. Also known as "Rootwork". A 'Conjurer' calls upon spirit, invokes uses incantations. Conjuring respectfully has its own set of protocols so let's not get confused.
The origins of these practices came from Africa. It found its way over to America and on plantations by way of the Africans who were enslaved there.
Hoodoo has a blend of traditions in its foundations. Due to slavery Hoodoo passed through many hands. It is not uncommon to see African , Native American, European and Christian influence within the practice.
Hoodoo is a very fiery and active spiritual practice. This folk magic came from oppression and survival! The ancestors are highly honored and respected. Hoodoo is not a religion but a lifestyle.
Practitioners are mostly given oral tradition passed down by the elders of the family or community. In the caribbean spiritual work is called Obeah. There are many different spiritual systems that are African in origin. High respect is given! Hoodoo was commonly known in the south. In the backwoods of Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama and Florida to name a few Hoodoos were secretly active in the community.
Herbs and roots have specific healing energy within them. Powders, spiritual baths and floor washes are created for many purposes in Hoodoo. Each item within a working is prayed over and blessed. The assistance of "The Most High" and the ancestors are called upon while doing this work.
The book of Psalms in the bible are used in workings. The book of Palms adds extra energy and strength to a working.
We Hoodoos have many other sources,however i'm not sharing all the Good JUJU. A true High Priestess would never do that! (Side-eye).
Workings can be based on healing, protection, prosperity, and love to list a few. Each practitioner can decide what types of clients they take on. At Lavender Hill Conjure we like to take on clients who are interested in improving their circumstances. We enjoy assisting others to heal and grow. Sharing knowledge of spirituality is the motivation and inspiration of Lavender Hill Conjure!