Lavender Hill Conjure LLC.
Greetings! Welcome to Lavender Hill Conjure.
Something led you to this space. Perhaps it was your curiosity about spirituality. Could it be that you wanted to learn more about Hoodoo? Whatever the reason you are welcomed! Thank you for your interest in L.H.C. Let me introduce myself!
My name is Lavender Hill. I am a Hoodoo practitioner (root worker) , intuitive reader and an eclectic witch . Certified with the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing, I am a Level I & Level II Reiki healer .
My journey started as a young child. As far as I can remember, my visions became noticeable around the age of 5. According to my grandmother aka " Ganny" & my mother both discovered my ability to commune with spirits at the of age 3.
Coming from a long line of healers, traditions were passed down orally. Everyday life for me growing up was about cleaning and being organised. Later on in my journey these skills would become useful in my conjure work. In Hoodoo there are specific ways on how a space is cleansed spiritually. My grandmother being a florist over 30 plus years would also be helpful in my study of roots ,herbs and plants. Hoodoo is a way of life for me and my family . We honor and pay respect to our ancestors who came before us. We are the workers who carry on the legacy in a tradition they created.
As you navigate through this website you will learn more about me and my spiritual services. This work is about community and of being of service to others.
Prior to any root working services being offered to any client an initial spiritual consultation is required.
Refer to booking*(Contact info)
Bountiful Blessings,
Lavender Hill